photo: Trina Koster
Sandra Sabatini was born in Ontario quite a while ago. She is the author of two collections of short stories -- The One with the News (Porcupine's Quill, 2000) -- a collection of linked stories exploring the impact of Alzheimer's disease on a family that was shortlisted for the McClelland Stewart Writers Trust Journey Prize and for the Upper Canada Writers’ Craft Award. Her second collection of stories, The Dolphins at Sainte-Marie (Penguin, 2006),explores small town living in Southern Ontario and the curiosities of youth and inexperience. As well, she published a detailed literary analysis of infants as they are represented in Canadian fiction in the 20th century called Making Babies. It's a groundbreaking study that looks for the first time at the significance of babies as subjects of creative imagining. And her children's baby pictures form the cover art. This book was published by Wilfrid Laurier University Press. Finally, her first novel, Dante's War, was published in 2009 by Key Porter books, which went out of business in 2011. The good news is that this book is still available directly from the author. Or used from Amazon sellers.
She is currently at work on a non-autobiographical novel about a middle-aged woman whose life falls apart.
Sabatini holds a B.A. and M.A. from the University of Guelph and a PhD in Canadian Literature and Rhetoric.