What it means to stay home. You go for a walk. A longer walk. The longest walk. You pull up some dandelions from the yard (not me, but I see this being done locally and I applaud it). You attend meetings with cubes of faces more or less aware that they are live and in person. You breathe, you eat some things. Then you eat some more things. Then the things you have seem inferior so, look, you have flour and sugar and eggs and some other things that in combination do miracles for your mood and I recommend all of them. And what’s this? You also have strained tomatoes and basil, olive oil and maybe an onion and a carrot? Ok some butter too, why not? Then hot water and pasta and time? Jump in I say. Twirl that magic onto your fork and chew mindfully (!). Plus thinking is hard. Eating is easy. The elliptical does not exactly sound dulcet tones when your jeans are telling you to hop on and save yourself.
Covid so far.